Spell, originally known as Spell & The Gypsy Collective, is an iconic Australian brand that captures the essence of modern bohemian style. Born from the creative vision of sisters Elizabeth and Isabella, Spell began as a small venture in Byron Bay and has since blossomed into a fashion powerhouse, celebrated for its whimsical designs and commitment to sustainability. Each piece from Spell’s collection, whether it’s a flowing maxi dress or a delicate lace blouse, tells a story of adventure, romance, and freedom. The brand’s unique blend of nostalgia and contemporary style offers a sartorial escape to those who seek a connection with nature and a free-spirited lifestyle. Embrace your inner bohemian and shop the latest collection from the Saudi Arabia edit below.
Shop SpellFree delivery for orders SAR 499 and above.
SAR 20 shipping fee for orders below SAR 499.
Free delivery for orders SAR 499 and above.
SAR 20 shipping fee for orders below SAR 499.
Free delivery for orders SAR 499 and above.
SAR 20 shipping fee for orders below SAR 499.
Free delivery for orders SAR 499 and above.
SAR 20 shipping fee for orders below SAR 499.